The weather in Meransen

General weather

The weather situation will not change; Central Europe will continue to be under the influence of a strong high pressure system.

Today, Monday 30. December 2024 Sun
MIN -5 ° MAX 7 °

The sun will shine all day and the sky will be cloudless.

Tomorrow, Tuesday 31. December 2024 Serene skies
MIN -5 ° MAX 6 °

Very sunny weather in the whole region. Even during New Year's Eve the sky will be clear.

Preview of the next days

General weather

On Wednesday there will still be lots of sun with only a few cirrus clouds. On Thursday, clouds will prevail and the sun will only appear occasionally. During the following night, there may be light snowfall in the northern parts of South Tyrol. On Friday, the clouds will break up, and it will be partly sunny. Saturday will bring a mix of sunshine and clouds.

Wednesday 01. January 2025
MIN -11° MAX 7°
Thursday 02. January 2025
MIN -9° MAX 6°
Friday 03. January 2025
MIN -6° MAX 8°
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